Hi, I'm Chris.

By day, I work at the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) as both the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer. InterNACHI is a professional association for home inspectors that focuses on using technology to deliver the best education, testing, and certification available to the home inspection industry.

While the vast majority of my time is dedicated to InterNACHI (and helping other organizations like it), I'm a programmer at heart and still contribute frequently to open source projects.

I've been spending much of my social time on Bluesky these days. Right now, it feels like a great spot for the tech community. Come join us!

I'm also on Mastodon, if that's your jam:

And while I don't spend very much time over there any more, if Twitter is your thing, you can find me there, too:

I update this site very infrequently, but I may post interesting things here from time-to-time.

Check out my podcast, Over Engineered
Near Philadelphia? Come to the next meetup!


github / markdown-toolbar-element

Markdown formatting buttons for text inputs.

Stillat / dagger

A robust component authoring library for Laravel Blade.

rapiz1 / rathole

A lightweight and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust. An alternative to frp and ngrok.

benbjurstrom / alpinejs-zoomable

Fullscreen image viewer (lightbox) for Alpine.js.

php-ug / php.ug

A home for all PHP-related Usergroups

HiEventsDev / Hi.Events

Open-source event management and ticket selling platform. Perfect for concerts, conferences, and everything in between 🎟️

marcomaroni-github / twitter-to-bluesky

Import all tweets exported from X/Twitter to a Bluesky account.

Linus2punkt0 / bluesky-crossposter

An app for crossposting your posts from bluesky to twitter and mastodon

genmon / interconnected-cursor-party

PartyKit Cursor Party fork for interconnected.org

timacdonald / alfresco

A fresh take on the PHP documentation website generation.

tuqqu / go-php

Toy Golang interpreter written in PHP

louisgrasset / touitomamout

Touitomamout is an easy way to synchronize your Twitter's tweets 🦤 to Mastodon 🦣 and Bluesky post ☁️ (also known as Twitter to Mastodon & Bluesky crossposter)

fpoirotte / pssht

SSH server written in PHP

Sammyjo20 / ssh-php

The ridiculously simple starting point for building PHP SSH apps! 🔥

WerWolv / ImHex

🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.

bugbakery / audapolis

an editor for spoken-word audio with automatic transcription

artisan-build / conductor

composer package executor

karelklima / workflowy

WorkFlowy API for Deno and Node

WickyNilliams / cally

Small, feature-rich calendar components

DirectoryTree / Git

A featherweight PHP class for calling Git commands.

echolabsdev / prism

A unified interface for working with LLMs in Laravel

ml-explore / mlx

MLX: An array framework for Apple silicon

janhq / cortex.cpp

Local AI API Platform

simonhamp / the-og

A pure PHP OpenGraph Image Generator

serversideup / spin

🚀 Replicate your production environment locally using Docker. Just run "spin up". It's really that easy.

mhoye / moderntools

Modern problems require modern solutions.

ajeetdsouza / zoxide

A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.

imacrayon / alpine-ajax

An Alpine.js plugin for building server-powered frontends.
